Monday, February 20, 2017


Hello everyone i wanted to share with you this D.I.Y craft with you i got inspired by pinterest . Please if you do this D.I.Y tag me on social Media @rissarenne . 


The things you will need for this D.I.Y. is 

Glass Jar i got it from the .99 cent store 
Glue gun i got from my mom 
scissors and contraction paper  
Lighter and ribbon 
( I just decided not to use the ribbon )


You will need to cut out the Message you printed out and hot glue them to the jar 

Step 3 

Grab you're scissors and ruler and start drawing boxs so you can cute them out . I did make 100 love notes so i used 5 colors and for each of the colors i cut 20 of them to equally be 100 . 

Step 4 


You're constrution paper should look like this now write what every you're heart desires and be creative .

step 5 

After you write you're cute notes now fold the papers in half make sure you do thrm tinny do they fit in you're jar . 

Step 6 

This is what you're jar should look like after you fold and put all the colorful papers in the glass Jar . 

Thank you so much for reading my Super simple D.I.Y for my love . I know you're boyfrind's would love it . Please @ me if you do this i would love to see your craft . Thank you so much for reading comment below your fav craft you like to do . 

Contact me 

Friday, February 17, 2017


Hello everyone Good Evening I wanted to share with you why I am a stay at home mother . 

I choose to be a stay at home mom when  my daughter was born and I couldn't have made a better choice. I wanted to be able to watch my daughter grow up and to spend as much time with her as I can before she starts school. This fall she will be starting Preschool I cannot believe how fast she is growing up. I'm a proud mom who loves spending every waking moment with Bailee. I love cooking breakfast with her and watching movies together. We even have learning and play time during the day as well. I am so happy I'm a stay at home mom are any of you readers a full time stay at home Mom let me know in the comments. Thank you so much for reading my blog post good night.

Thursday, February 2, 2017


  Hello everyone Good afternoon today I wanted to share with you my new E.L.F Cosmetics that I bought from the drug store . 


I bought this Mad for matte palette from Wal- mart for $5.00 I couldn't believe that it was that much money. Employee told me that E.L.F was no longer selling this item anymore so it was marked off and I was so glad I bought it. Colors on this Palette is very pigmented and matte, when I was swatching the colors on my arm I did have to go back and use 3 more coats to show the color, I will have a photo below of the swatch for y'all . overall this eye shadow palette is worth buying the regular price is $10 so I Definitely Recommend this palette to buy . 

Here is the photo of the Mad for matte Swatches I love all the colors and I am very pleased with this makeup product . 


I am in love with this H.D powder in sheer it is great for baking underneath the eyes and for face as well . I purchased this Product for $ 6.00 dollars. I would definitely recommend this H.D sheer powder to you all. This Powder does not have a smell to it what i mean is it doesn't have a strong and overwhelming smell to it . 

3 . Soft Luminance H.D Powder 

My next Product is this Soft Luminance H.D Powder I love it yes it's a little light on my skin but I still use it because I can't Return it so I make it work HONEY! Lol As far as the powder do not have a bad smell to it . I definitely recommend this powder to you, I paid only $3 .00 for this powder the regular price is $6.00  dollars . 

4 . El.F Dramatic lash Kit 

These lashes are The best when it says Dramatic Lashes they are and they are super long I love that about lashes . I haven't used the glue it came with because I have my own eyelash glue the best part is E.L.F lashes are $1. 00 each SAY WHAT! Yes Honey you read that right and my personal opinion these are better then the .99 cent store lashes.        


5 . E.L.F Blackest Black eyeliner pen 

I am so excited to tell you about this eyeliner pen I love love it it's reeally pointed and easy to apply the color goes on very well and it is easy to apply . I spent $ 3.00 dollars on this eyeliner pen and I just love how affordable E.L.F products are very cheep and works amazing . I did notice that I have to apply the eyeliner every 2 hours but I don't mind the color is so nice and black that it shows my sharp eyeliner wing . 

6 . E.L.F Razzle Dazzle red lip stick 

This lipstick is very pigmented the color red stands out very nicely this lipstick stays on all day . When I take my makeup off with my daughters huggies wipes The color is still stained on my lips which it isn't a bad thing at all. Lipstick is $3.00 and I love it I have nothing bad to say about this lipstick. 


My last E.L.F product is this selfie foundation brush applying foundation with this brush is AMAZING. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this brush. Bristles on this brush are so soft and they do not fall off the brush. Best part is E.L.F is animal cruelty free witch is amazing because i love how they have such a kind heart and not using there makeup on animals. I bought this brush for $5.00 dollars very affordable and the quality on this brush is the best. I definitely recommend this brush to you .

Thank you so much for reading my blog post don't forget to check out my E.L.F small haul on YouTube. 


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Youtube Creator

Hello everyone good afternoon I wanted to share with you why I am a YouTube creator . Grab some coffee , Snacks enjoy my blog post . 
What inspired me to start to be a youtube creator started October 20 2014 my Boyfriend told me about this vlogging family called The lavigne life If you never hard of them Jerry Dee vlog there daily life   on youtube . After a couple day's i decided i wanted to do the samething and to vlog my life so my kids have something to look back at .I stay home so i though making a youtube channel would keep me busy and i can spend time with my family .  I made two youtube channels one main channel and a vlog channel . I love being a stay at home mom doing youtube full time it's fun and amazing i get to meet so many family's who love doing what i do . Here is the Link to The laigneLife Go check them out TheLaVigneLife you will love them and they have such adorable kid's Jor Jor and J3 ;) 

I have a main channel where i upload Fitness , D.I.Y , Beauty , Lifestyle fashion and reviews i try to upload every week so i am on a schedule . I love recording videos for that channel it's super fun and i meet some many amazing subscribers . I hope to one day grow my channel and make my goals i have set come true . I have faith and trust in god that i can and will do it, I have been on youtube for two in a half years and i love every bit of it i wouldn't have it another way . Here is a link to my main channel Main channel Here is a link to my Vlog channel Please go subscribe and join my Family Vlogging Channel . 

Question Time ? 

What do you do for a living please comment below ;)

Monday, January 23, 2017

PinkBlush Pluz size Haul

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog i wanted to share with you my PINKBLUSH clothes i got . I did win a $75.00 gift card from JUSTINE MARIE  To use at  PinkBlush . I absolutely love this online store it has Plus size , maternity clothes to choose from . Online store sales Shoes , accessories they have a lot to choose from , They do have a clearance spot where they have very affordable clothes ,  Now i will be posting Photos of my outfits that i got i will have the name link down below.

Outfit #1  

I'm wearing a Black solid Basic Top this shirt goes with anything Pant;s Leggings . I did get this shirt from the Clearance spot online Size is a 3 X  it was $ 10.00 Such a great price . 

Outfit # 2 

I absolutely Love this NAVY BLUE SHEER LOW CUT TOP  it's such a cute dress up shirt you can wear it with Pants or leggings . My shirt is a size 3 X It's a little small so i will have to lose weight to wear it . I spent $25.00 dollars on this shirt i got it from the Clerance spot NAVY BLUE SHEER LOW CUT TOP . 

Outfit # 3 

Outfit Number 3 is super Comfortable and it's a long sleeve it fit's me good You can match this shirt with leggings . I did get this Charcoal button collar Tunic at the Clearance Section Online the size is a 3 x  it fits good and it keeps me warm It was $22.00 dollars ,

Dark pink Border Fringed Scarf 

When i saw this Scarf i feel in love with it the color was so adorable and i had to buy it . I coudn't Belive  it was on the Clearance Section online . I paid only $12.00 for it and i love love The Scarf It goes with All my outfits and i couldn't be anymore happier . 

Ivory Fuzzy Keychain 

I love this black keychain it is super cute i did order a white one but it was out of stock so i got to oder a black one The price of the keychain was only $5.00 dollars. 

Christian Sirjano

I bough this pair of flats from Payless shoe store the amazing thing is that they were on sale for $ 9.99 i was so happy to find a pair of flats that fit me . My feet are weried i have wide feet so it's kinda Hard to find Shoes that will fit . 

I want to show you My favorite outfit thast i wear alot i love , love this outift . 

 This outfit is My go to outift to wear every day i love the flats and scarf , dress shirt i wear this outfit alot . The shirt is little small but i still wear it Hopefully i don't pop the seems LOL Flats are very Comfortable and jeans are plus size and are boot cut . 

Thank you so much for readying my blog i love you all <3 

Sunday, January 22, 2017


   Hello everyone i wanted to share with you how much i love photography and that i will be turning it into my career . 


My name is carissa Holmes i enjoy doing  photography for fun i have a passion to turning photos into art . I do not go to collage so i am practicing learning on my own i am a self - taugh photographer who one day hopes to make her dreams come true . I hope  one day to open my own shop and take people's Family photos and to do all of it on my own . My camera is a canon powershot sx40hs it isn't a DSLR but it takes really good photos . I bough it used off of Canon website for $100 witch wasn't to bad for the price , It wasn't used at all . I will post some photos i have done with my camera below thank you so much for readying my Photography blog . 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Carpal Tunnel Surgery Update

Hello Everyone I know I have been away and not posting for awhile. I wanted to come give a update and How my Carpal Tunnel Surgery went. Grab some coffee, cookies and enjoy my Blog post thank you for readying it.

On December 5 I had Carpal Tunnel Surgery on my right hand. My doctor I had was so nice and the nurses where nice as well, I felt safe and that i was in good hands. Upon arrival The nurse Checked me in i had to Pee in a cup. LOL sorry i know TMI I got all dressed with the Hospital Robe . I had a Ivy put in my left hand . Dr. John came in my spot and talked to me and drew a line on my palm of my hand with a blue maker to were he was going to do the Surgery. After that i had to wait 1 Hour 30 Min . Once it was my turn i had meet on of my  Nurse she was the sweetest lady's I met . We talked about my health and that i should take better care of my body. Now after that talk i was getting really anxious and nurvous becaues i was getting wheeled into the operating Room . Not to forget the other Nurse almost wheeled me into the bathroom door LOL I had the chance to be awake or a sleep so i chose to be put under . The surgry took 30 Min to do i knocked out and it felt like a couple seconds later i wook up .

After surgry the doctor told me do not get My arm wet and having to do daily activity with my left hand was much harder then i thought . On December 12 i went back and had got my Big wrap Banda aid off . I was told to keep a Band aid on here and there for the next week i was still not to get my hand wet . Following week December 29 was time to take the Stiches out i couldn't belive by the 3 RD week i had them takin out . Honestly By the 3 RD week it was much easier to grab stuff and to take a shaoor on my own . As of today my pain i have been having is Completely GONE . I'm glad i had done the Carpal Tunnel Surgery . I'm excited to do my left hand in march i couldn't be anymore Happier to Finally use both of my hands .

Now I am Definitely back to my normal Daily self i will be posting more Blogs , Youtube vidoes , Family Vlogs . I am sick and can't hardly talk but I'm not going to let that stop me from uploading .
Happy Holiday.

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Disclaimer: The christmas photo isn't mine it is from google