Saturday, May 2, 2020

Three ingredient peanut butter cookie

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog I wanted to share with you how to make peanut butter cookies with three ingredients. I definitely want to share who I got this  Peanut butter cookies recipe from click the link to see a video. With this whole Coronavirus going on I ran out of snacks wasn't going to the store. I googled how to make cookies and came across This yummy recipe and I had to try it out and share it with you guys. 

1 cup of peanut butter chunky or creamy 
1 cup of white suger 
1 egg 


Mix 1 cup of peanut better 
Add 1 cup of sugar
Add 1 egg 

Mix all together until it's creamy 

Preheat your oven to 350 Make ball shaped cookies and place it on your cookie sheet Make sure they're spread apart.  You want to bake them for 10 minutes , I used a cupcake tray because we did not have a cookie sheet When taking them out of the cupcake pan They fell apart . If you just let them sit and cool down a little bit longer they harden and it will turn out great . Let them cool down and enjoy your yummy peanut butter cookies. 

Thank you so much for reading my blog If you guys tried this and let your kids help you please let me know how it turned out and if you liked it. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Hello everyone welcome back to my blog , I know it's been awhile since I last posted . I am back I wanted to share my fitness journey with you . My boyfriend took these photo's I can tell you I am even embarrassed to look at them. I do need to take control of my health I can't wait for weight in day to see how much I have lost. Join my on this journey I want to motivate you I can admit it's hard if I and you stay consistent we can reach our goals . I weigh 285 I will do my next weight in a month from now . Come follow me on for updates on my stories.  Thank you so much for stopping by I cannot wait to start on a healthier path . Comment below if you are on a weight loss join as well .

Monday, September 17, 2018

My learning Disability

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog I wanted to tell you guy's about my learning Disability I was diagnosed with when i was in Elementry. I was in the 4 grade when I did testing and I ranked below average. I was placed in a special ed class School said I had mildy retardation I was embarrassed to tell anyone that. I wanted to open up to you guys I know sometimes what I write doesn't make sense or that my spelling is off I love blogging I'm not going to let that stop me from enjoying what I love. Thank you to everyone who reads my posts i also do youtube you can click the link


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Inside Dressing Room DD'S discounts

Hi everyone I wanted to share 3 outfits that are affordable and cute . My total came out to $40.50 . I think it's amazing deal Last outfit the shirt can be tucked into the Skinny jeans you can make two outfits out of one witch is a win Win. I bough them at DD's discounts here in fresno .

  Outfit 1

Yellow striped romper


Outfit 2

Panda Shirt

Blue capris
$ 4.99

Outfit 3
Ripped skinny jeans


Thank you so much for reading what store is you're favorite to go shopping to save money ?

Thursday, February 22, 2018

350M 350S Morphe palette Review

 Are you looking for an Eyeshadow palette that's affordable? Pigmentation? Last all day?  Great makeup palette worth buying ?  If so grab a snack or drink I will be reviewing my 350M 350S morphe palettes.

I wanted to do an honest review on my morphe  palettes that I bought have been absolutely loving. My first purchase was the 350 Nature Glow matte Palette Eyeshadow Palette. I bough it for $23 Witch is an amazing price for this palette. I absolutely love this palette I never stopped using it and never put it down it has 24 eyeshadow colors to choose from. I can honestly say this is my go-to palette that I use everyday.  It's very pigmented and the colors last all day.  This palette will be Great for Beginners who are doing makeup .  I had no issues with any Fallouts I would absolutely recommend this to you. 

Here is a close up of 3 colors that are in the 350 Natural glow matte   Click here to order one  

Here is the Morphe 350 Shimmer palette I have bought I am ABSOLUTELY in LOVE with this palette is my holy Grill as of right now . I do use these two palette's to create my every day makeup look . I cannot stop grabbing for them both . 350 Shimmer palette are very pigmented and shimmery  There are 24 colors this palette comes with.  Very shimmery and applies smoothly and easy to apply.  No fallouts that happen when applying to my lids , These are very creamy that's what i love about them . I did buy this one nordstrom for $15 dollars i couldn't pass up a very good deal.  I know i had to buy the shimmer one so i did . I looked on Nordstrom again to see if they had any deals and i couldn't find any. Here is the link to the 350 Shimmer or Morphe has a selection to buy both the  350 Shimmer 350 Matte  for$44 original price is $46 so you save $2 dollars such a great deal ! click the link to buy one . 

Here is a close up of the 3 colors of the 350 Shimmer again these colors are very pigmented easy to apply on the eye lid . 

My whole review on both the 350S 350M palette are definitely a yes to purchase. I give it a 10 If you are looking for a beginners palette these two would definitely be a great purchase . morphe brushes has so many more awesome products to choose from on there site from eyeshadows , brushes , Lip sticks , removal & MORE . Morphe product's Make great gifts for friends or loved ones . Morphe offer's Free shipping for orders over $75 the total must be $75 after promotional discounts. Thank you so much for readying my review . Comment below some of you're Morphe favorite's i would love to know . 

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Plus size Outfit

Hey , Everyone welcome back to my blog I know i have been MIA I am back and ready to post more blogs for you guys . I wanted to Make a Special Announcement I am 11 weeks pregnat this Pregnacy was planned . Chai and i couln't be anymore Happier my daughter is just as excited as we are . I wanted to make this post so all my plus size Mama's know were they can shop at and know they can fit the outifts i will be sharing . When i found out i was pregnet i had no clothes that fitted me i was stressing out i though i wouldn't fit any jeans from stores . One day i went to wal mart to try on some jeans to just see if i fit it . I am so glad i did becaues before trying on them i though i wore a size 28W or highter . I tried on jeans that were size 26 W i was so happy . If you are plus size Wal mart has size up to 26 W inside the store  . I decided to just wait and go home and see if i could order some maternity pants online.  I  got home and looked only size they had online were size 3 Xl . I knew i couldn't fit so i went back and i was so excited i found Denim Jeggings Faded Clory Women's Denim Jegging Faded Glory Womens -Denim Jeggings They are one sale for $ 9.50 online on wal - marts site The original price is $14.97 . I got a size 4 Xl and i was so happy i found them , Honestly they are super comfortable stretchy for you to wear during you're pregnancy they Look just like jeans . Now on to my shirt i bough i wal- Mart i found my shirt on the clearance rack they had alot to choose from i found this one shirt on the rack that was cute and looked very comfortable to wear during my pregnecy .  Shirt is called Faded Glory Women's plus woven two pocket shirt Women-s-Plus-Woven-Two-Pocket-Shirt/252526154 online it's $14.97 in store i paid $11.00 it's Comfortble and will fit you during you're pregnecy and it will even fit over you're baby Bump .

Here is my full outfit and i Absolutely Love it 

Thank you so much for reading my blog post please comment below if you decided if you will buying this outfit . 

Want to find the best nude eyeshadow palette? Go head over to Elle, blog page , LaBeaute to read her blog post! LaBeaute

Contact me @


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Woodward park Mother daughter photoshoot

 Hello everyone i wanted to share my recent photoshoot i took of this amazing beautiful mother and daughter . I did a giveaway on my facebook like page Photographybyrenne so i can build my portfolio up . I had the honor of taking lilly prudente photos with her mother at woodward park in Fresno California ,  I am a self taught photographer who ones day hopes to open her own studio . Here are the photos i took of   lilly prudente  her mother thank you so much for readying my blog post .