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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Plus size Outfit

Hey , Everyone welcome back to my blog I know i have been MIA I am back and ready to post more blogs for you guys . I wanted to Make a Special Announcement I am 11 weeks pregnat this Pregnacy was planned . Chai and i couln't be anymore Happier my daughter is just as excited as we are . I wanted to make this post so all my plus size Mama's know were they can shop at and know they can fit the outifts i will be sharing . When i found out i was pregnet i had no clothes that fitted me i was stressing out i though i wouldn't fit any jeans from stores . One day i went to wal mart to try on some jeans to just see if i fit it . I am so glad i did becaues before trying on them i though i wore a size 28W or highter . I tried on jeans that were size 26 W i was so happy . If you are plus size Wal mart has size up to 26 W inside the store  . I decided to just wait and go home and see if i could order some maternity pants online.  I  got home and looked only size they had online were size 3 Xl . I knew i couldn't fit so i went back and i was so excited i found Denim Jeggings Faded Clory Women's Denim Jegging Faded Glory Womens -Denim Jeggings They are one sale for $ 9.50 online on wal - marts site The original price is $14.97 . I got a size 4 Xl and i was so happy i found them , Honestly they are super comfortable stretchy for you to wear during you're pregnancy they Look just like jeans . Now on to my shirt i bough i wal- Mart i found my shirt on the clearance rack they had alot to choose from i found this one shirt on the rack that was cute and looked very comfortable to wear during my pregnecy .  Shirt is called Faded Glory Women's plus woven two pocket shirt Women-s-Plus-Woven-Two-Pocket-Shirt/252526154 online it's $14.97 in store i paid $11.00 it's Comfortble and will fit you during you're pregnecy and it will even fit over you're baby Bump .

Here is my full outfit and i Absolutely Love it 

Thank you so much for reading my blog post please comment below if you decided if you will buying this outfit . 

Want to find the best nude eyeshadow palette? Go head over to Elle, blog page , LaBeaute to read her blog post! LaBeaute

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