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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Youtube Creator

Hello everyone good afternoon I wanted to share with you why I am a YouTube creator . Grab some coffee , Snacks enjoy my blog post . 
What inspired me to start to be a youtube creator started October 20 2014 my Boyfriend told me about this vlogging family called The lavigne life If you never hard of them Jerry Dee vlog there daily life   on youtube . After a couple day's i decided i wanted to do the samething and to vlog my life so my kids have something to look back at .I stay home so i though making a youtube channel would keep me busy and i can spend time with my family .  I made two youtube channels one main channel and a vlog channel . I love being a stay at home mom doing youtube full time it's fun and amazing i get to meet so many family's who love doing what i do . Here is the Link to The laigneLife Go check them out TheLaVigneLife you will love them and they have such adorable kid's Jor Jor and J3 ;) 

I have a main channel where i upload Fitness , D.I.Y , Beauty , Lifestyle fashion and reviews i try to upload every week so i am on a schedule . I love recording videos for that channel it's super fun and i meet some many amazing subscribers . I hope to one day grow my channel and make my goals i have set come true . I have faith and trust in god that i can and will do it, I have been on youtube for two in a half years and i love every bit of it i wouldn't have it another way . Here is a link to my main channel Main channel Here is a link to my Vlog channel Please go subscribe and join my Family Vlogging Channel . 

Question Time ? 

What do you do for a living please comment below ;)