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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Carpal Tunnel Surgery Update

Hello Everyone I know I have been away and not posting for awhile. I wanted to come give a update and How my Carpal Tunnel Surgery went. Grab some coffee, cookies and enjoy my Blog post thank you for readying it.

On December 5 I had Carpal Tunnel Surgery on my right hand. My doctor I had was so nice and the nurses where nice as well, I felt safe and that i was in good hands. Upon arrival The nurse Checked me in i had to Pee in a cup. LOL sorry i know TMI I got all dressed with the Hospital Robe . I had a Ivy put in my left hand . Dr. John came in my spot and talked to me and drew a line on my palm of my hand with a blue maker to were he was going to do the Surgery. After that i had to wait 1 Hour 30 Min . Once it was my turn i had meet on of my  Nurse she was the sweetest lady's I met . We talked about my health and that i should take better care of my body. Now after that talk i was getting really anxious and nurvous becaues i was getting wheeled into the operating Room . Not to forget the other Nurse almost wheeled me into the bathroom door LOL I had the chance to be awake or a sleep so i chose to be put under . The surgry took 30 Min to do i knocked out and it felt like a couple seconds later i wook up .

After surgry the doctor told me do not get My arm wet and having to do daily activity with my left hand was much harder then i thought . On December 12 i went back and had got my Big wrap Banda aid off . I was told to keep a Band aid on here and there for the next week i was still not to get my hand wet . Following week December 29 was time to take the Stiches out i couldn't belive by the 3 RD week i had them takin out . Honestly By the 3 RD week it was much easier to grab stuff and to take a shaoor on my own . As of today my pain i have been having is Completely GONE . I'm glad i had done the Carpal Tunnel Surgery . I'm excited to do my left hand in march i couldn't be anymore Happier to Finally use both of my hands .

Now I am Definitely back to my normal Daily self i will be posting more Blogs , Youtube vidoes , Family Vlogs . I am sick and can't hardly talk but I'm not going to let that stop me from uploading .
Happy Holiday.

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Disclaimer: The christmas photo isn't mine it is from google