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Monday, November 7, 2016


Hello everyone welcome to my very first blog post ! I will be sharing with you what i got from Influenster today , Grab Yourself some coffee or Snacks and enjoy . 

I wanted to share with you my FREE Influenster cozy vox box! Yes! I said FREE just click the photo above and it will take you to There websit Easy as that ; ) I just wanted to share with you what INFLUENSTER is it's a Company where you sign up and download the app and Review products you already have , or simply answer other people's qustions . When you stay active you get picked for there boxs ( Like the one in the photo ) you can check it in and post about it on you're socail accounts.
I love this company becaues it gives me the chance to REVIEW there Products on my youtube channel There isn't any hidden fees on asking for you're debit card too .I will be posting everything i got in this box below and how much it retails for . 

  1. Product One - Simple skincare cleaning facial wipes it comes with 25 wipes it's great for removing makeup off or you can store in the bathrrom or take them on the go . Retail Price is  $ 5.99 you can buy them from any drugstore near you . 

  2. Product two -  Daisy Squeeze sour cream , Country crock buttery spread I got two coupons to cash in at the store to try these two I am so excided to try them both out ! I love how the Sour cream is squeezable it just made makeing tacos so much easier . LOL  Retail price $2.79 14 oz  you can buy it at you're locail grocery store . Country crock butter in the Container is easy use for when the Holidays come around you just open it and put it on the table for easy access. Retail price $1.99 15 oz $ 3.12 45 oz and you can but it from any grocery store .

3 . Product three - Maybelline superstay 24 longwear lip color in 025 keep up the flame this lipstick is good to wear all day . Card say's it won't cake , flake , fade if you would love to see a review comment below and i will . Retail pice is $9.49 you can but it at any drugstore near you. 

4 . product four - Pilot's frixion clicker erasable pens in the color Blue and red i love theses pens and that i can use it to underline scriptures in my bible . Reatail price is $ 6.99 3 pk you can find them at Office depot . 

5 . I got a Ebates card in my box to use but i won't be useing it so i will tell you about that company . When you sign up for ebates you can shop online and get paid for it earn cash back on you're purchases and get paid ;) 

I hope you enjoyed my blog thank you so much for readying have a fantastic evening .